Why respite care?
When is respite care needed?
Respite care can be needed in a variety of different circumstances such as:
- Giving the primary caregiver an essential break from caregiving.
- To return balance to family life where a family member is overwhelmed by their caregiving duties.
- To provide continued care in an emergency when the family caregiver cannot provide care due to illness, family obligation, or has to leave the house for a period of time.
- As a support service to the primary family caregiver that can be called on at any time.
Respite care at home has many benefits.
Respite care can be provided in the home or a residential care facility. Many residential care facilities have beds that can be reserved for short-term respite stays but this involves a change in environment and routine which can be stressful for older adults, particularly if they have cognitive impairment or suffer from anxiety. Respite care provided by OndeCare Heroes allows for stability of environment and maintenance of routine over the respite period. In addition, respite care provided at home often allows family members to stay closer and be in more regular touch with the loved one throughout the respite period. When the unexpected occurs and emergency respite care is needed, arranging for in-home care support can be quicker and easier than trying to find an emergency respite bed at a care facility.
Knowing when you need to get respite care.
Family caregivers often find it hard to admit they need a respite. Feeling that they are failing in some way by taking a break, that no one else can provide the love that they do and distrust of anyone else looking after their loved one are all common and natural feelings. To determine if you or another family caregiver could benefit from arranging respite care, ask yourself the following:
- Is your social life suffering either because you feel you cannot leave the one you care for alone or because you a just too tired all the time?
- Are other family or friends suggesting that you need a break?
- Are you getting agitated or short-tempered with the one you care for or others?
- Do you resent other family members for not doing as much as you do?
Answering yes to one or more of these questions probably indicates you would benefit from arranging respite care.
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Getting the most out of respite care.
Making respite part of your planned care routine is the best way to get the most out of respite care for both you and your loved one. Arrange frequent respites and arrange them well in advance. Don't wait until you are in crisis to reach out to a respite caregiver! Find a respite caregiver well in advance and make sure any necessary background checks and screening have been done - all OndeCare Heroes are pre-screened and background checked. Write down the daily routine in the form of a checklist for a respite caregiver to follow. Be available for questions until you are sure the caregiver and loved one are fully at home with one another and ask for regular updates.
Finally, be open to learning from a professional respite caregiver. As an unpaid family caregiver, you may not have had the training or breadth of experience and you can often pick up a few tips and tricks to make your job easier!
Respite care at home has many benefits.
An older adult's care needs change over time, usually becoming greater with advanced age or progression of chronic illnesses. If your loved one's care needs surpass what you and other unpaid family caregivers can provide, then respite care is no longer the answer. It is better for both you and the one(s) you care for to recognize this early and hire professional help on a permanent basis to complement your care and fully meet the needs of your loved one.
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